Wednesday, September 24, 2008

WELCOME! ようこそ!

Hello and welcome to my newly opened blog! So basically the idea of this blog is to present a new way of teaching, or rather aiding the process of learning a foreign language, through a method most people find enjoyable and fun...Music! The way in which I'm presenting this is to take a song (whatever one I feel like) and posting the lyrics to it in lines. Under these lines of the actual lyrics I will be putting a translation (trying to keep as close to it's literal meaning as possible) and in addition to that will be color coding the individual words to correspondingly match up between English and the foreign language in question. Pretty simple and Basic...hopefully enjoyable, and as far as I know a brand new method of introducing learning of a foreign language! As for the songs, I will be selecting any song I feel like doing at any random time. Of course if any potential readers would like to offer suggestions of songs I can certainly translate songs for you (as long as they are in a language I am equipped to translate in). I will translate my OWN interpretation of the lyrics and try to keep them very close to their literal meanings to avoid confusion in translation and also note differences in translation based on context.

Now...Onto the language itself...As of now I am only working on songs in the Japanese language, as I myself am studying that particular language. In the future I may also take on other languages but for right now I think one foreign language is enough for my brain to handle. So, because Japanese does not use the roman alphabet as a standard form of writing I will be displaying the lyrics in 3 versions;
Kanji/Kana (the original Japanese characters)
Romaji (Japanese transliterated into the roman alphabet)
English (and English language translation)

Well that's pretty much the whole concept of this page, I hope anyone who comes across this blog may find it useful and entertaining. And Thank You for reading!!


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