Monday, September 29, 2008

島みやえい子 ~ディオラマ~ ** Shimamiya Eiko "Diorama"

This song is the B-side on Eiko Shimamiya's single "Unmei no Wa". This song called "Diorama" is used as the ending theme to this summer's japanese Horror film "Higurashi no naku koro ni", while the single's title track was used in promotions for the movie. I really like Shimamiya's music, it has a very dark tone to it...fitting as her music is being used for a horror movie. Though the song has a darker and heavier feel to it I think its very beautiful. Please enjoy!!

kousoku no EREBEETAA de machinami wo mioroshinagara
Inside a highspeed elevator as I gaze down upon the strips of shops and homes

nobotte ikimasu okujou made
I continue to rise up to the rooftop

kousou no BIRU no ue ni ha
tsuyoi kaze hukinuketetemo
even if a strong wind blows through me above the topfloor of the building


kanaami koshi ni aru sono joukei ha

there will be a wire net all across, the scene


RA DEIORAMA hitotsu mo RIARITEI no nai omocha no machi

La Diorama a town of toys that doesn't have even one reality


RA DEIORAMA kokoro ga nagaretasanai you ni tojikometa machi

La Diorama an imprisoned town that is like a heart that is frozen**


RA DEIORAMA anata he no RIARITEI jikan ga keshite yuku

La Diorama Reality keeps erasing the time towards you


RA DEIORAMA kokoro ga nido to modomenai you ni kato wo

La Diorama Like a heart that will not search for the past for a second time


RA DEIORAMA kokyuu no RIARITEI ima ha doko ni mo nai

La Diorama now the reality of my breath is nowhere


demo kitto kokoro ha iki wo hukikaeshiteku kono machi goto

but surely my heart will keep coming back to life in each of these towns

** "kokoro ga nagaretasanai" literally means "heart will not flow" which doesnt make much sense, so I translated it as "frozen" as in not moving...not as in temperature.

ディオラマ - 島みやえい子

Speacial japanese phrase #6:
UWAA ima ano zou ha pantsu tabeta neko wo tabeteru!! hen dana...
WOA now that elephant is eating the cat that ate my pants!! now that's strange...


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